19 December 2018 at 12:00AM
PMI-CIC members to enjoy the same rate for the 2019 Iowa Business Analyst Development Day (IBADD) as IIBA members receive!
BA's, QA's, and PM's…Oh My!
PMI-CIC is excited to announce a partnership with the Central Iowa Chapter of International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). Our partnership will give PMI-CIC members the same rate to 2019 Iowa Business Analyst Development Day (IBADD) as IIBA members receive. They will have a specific track for project management as well as tracks for agile, leadership, quality assurance, business analysis and business architecture. When you register please use your PMI-CIC member number in the PMI Member field to enjoy the IIBA member pricing.
The Central Iowa Chapter of IIBA officially invites you to follow them down the yellow brick road on May 9th-10th 2019 to Prairie Meadows Conference Center in Altoona, IA for personal growth and learning. Educational sessions will focus on business analysis, quality assurance, and project management…oh my! (We will have a separate track for Business Architecture as well!)
What is at the end of the yellow brick road you ask? The Emerald City and the Wizard of Oz, of course. Actually, it's our keynote speaker Jim Morris. Jim Morris' story is the basis for the movie The Rookie. The Rookie is a heartwarming and unforgettable Disney blockbuster about chasing your dreams and keeping your promises.
The Scarecrow might not have his brain but you sure do, Register now before the Early bird pricing ends.
Early Bird Pricing for IIBA Members, PMI members, and DAQAA is $400 for both days, but only until April 1st. Send your registration request in on your company's 2018 budget.
PMI Central Iowa Chapter