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Succession Planning PMI Central Iowa Vice President of Operations

The PMI Central Iowa Chapter is looking for volunteers who would like to shadow the VP of Operations. The person(s) interested would still need to follow the nominations and elections process for the 2021-2022 term.  The purpose of this endeavor is to get potential nominees familiar with the board governance and prepare for a smooth transition.

Transition and succession planning are essential to sustaining operations and maintaining or increasing the performance of the PMI Central Iowa Chapter. Although the PMI Central Iowa Vice President and President positions are elected, the board appoints those positions in the event that one of those positions are vacated.

The Vice President of Operations is responsible for the daily operations of the PMI Central Iowa Board. Areas of oversee include Technology, Website, Logistics, Registration and Records. Technology covers all the hardware the chapter owns as well as security, email and infrastucture needs. The chapter recently moved to a new website provider. Website includes making sure the website is functiioning properly and current. Logistics deals with venue and catering selections. Registration covers any registration set up task and is the member interface at chapter meetings. Records ensures that appropriate document retention is occuring.   

If you are interested in learning more or would like to shadow the VP of Operations, please email the 2019-2020 VP of Operations at vpoperations@pmi-centraliowa.org



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