2025 Board Of Directors
The PMI Central Iowa Chapter Board of Directors is made up of dedicated volunteers who constantly strive to add value to the membership in the best interests of the chapter. Please feel free to contact any member of the Board of Directors with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Are you interested in serving on the PMI Central Iowa Board of Directors? Please complete our Volunteer form and designate your interest.
Please be aware that email is not a foolproof contact method. If you have sent an email and have not received a response in a reasonable amount of time, please send a follow-up and/or copy another Officer of the Board to ensure delivery of the message occurred.
Office of the President
These volunteers dedicate time to special items or anything the groups listed below don't take care of. If you are having an issue and can't find the person in charge, reach out to the people listed below.
- Lejla Frazee, MBL, PMP - President <president@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - President Elect <president@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Stephen Rodriquez, PMP, CPM - Immediate Past President <pastpresident@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Trustee <president@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Discipline Agile Champion <president@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
Office of Operations
Even non-profit organizations experience technical issues. These volunteers keep the lights on!
- Dinah Afriyie - Vice President of Operations <vpoperations@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Jeff Hilla - Director of Technology <dirtechnoloy@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Amelia Arku, CAPM, CPM - Director of Website <dirwebsite@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Logistics <vpoperations@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Christy Schreiner - Director of Registration <dirregistration@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Records Management <vpoperations@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
Office of Finance
Finance office personnel track our funding, deal with budgeting, and pay our bills.
- Vacant - Vice President <vpfinance@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Budget <vpfinance@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
Office of Professional Development
These are the organizers of our special events. Do you want to speak at one of our events? Please reach out to us!
- Erin Varcoe - Vice President of Professional Development <vpprofdev@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Programs <vpprofdev@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of PDD <pastpresident@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
Office of Membership and Volunteerism
- Franklin Makia - Vice President <vpmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Collaborate to Succeed <vpmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Volunteerism <vpmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Military Engagement <vpmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Mentoring <vpmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Aaron Matthew - Director of Membership <dirmembership@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
Office of Communications & Marketing
This group informs our membership of upcoming events, meetings, and other items of interest through email and social media.
- Natasha Gorski - Vice President of Marketing <vpmarketing@pmiofcentraliowa.
org > - Vacant - Director of Communications <dirsocialmedia@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Vacant - Director of Publications <dirsocialmedia@pmiofcentraliowa.org>
- Adrieanah Clark - Director of Social Media <dirsocialmedia@pmiofcentraliowa.org>