Courage League Sports
In need of a volunteer data base, donor data base, and need email and mail merge integration set up. We are a young non profit and require this support to enhance our opportunities for fundraising, volunteer engagement, and family and community engagement.
Al Exito
In need of a fundraising data base and a data base to track sales and inventory. Existing system has recently migrated to cloud storage.
Small non profit organization in need of an HR database.
Create a website to support our mission to supply needed products to Uganda. Hyline has a paypal account for donations. Donation tracking and donor information database would be very useful.
Central Iowa Shelter
We are really needing help improving our current website. Design enhancements and improved functionality would be top priorities.
Healthy Start HCI Care Services
We utilize Access for data base management and employ an IT department. We would like to develop better security for our systems.
In need of Sharepoint development, non profit Salesforce program work, and building a data framework.
Priority project (high priority): We have SharePoint, however it is not accessible to our staff. We have the framework built, but need assistance customizing it to fit into our complex organizational needs. We are asking for assistance with customizing SharePoint so it is in a position where we can “go live” with it and train our users.
Secondary project (low priority): Salesforce offers the nonprofit success pack and 10 free user accounts. We are interested in exploring whether this tool can connect our various systems to talk to one another. If so, we are interested in developing Salesforce to connect our systems.
RA of CI (Embarc)
We facilitate a Work Ready Program. We need assistance developing a tracking system for who is performing what task for clients, along with a data base of employment opportunities. We are a multi non profit group, including two state agencies.
Home, Inc.
We are looking at improving our data collection/application process, specifically by using technology. We were part of a hackathon where an app was created, but it still has some kinks that need worked out.
Wesley Life
We had thought about some sort of technology support for our drivers, but we do have a computer system (Serve Tracker) that we use to track all the meals. One of our biggest challenges and use of manual time is entering our 800+ clients' meal selections each month. They are able to choose from three options for each week day so entering all those selections into our system is very time consuming.
YMCA Supportive Living
Website development to build community awareness, volunteer membership tracking, grant writting, and building community engagement.
Please Pass the Love
1. Our youth programming website needs a total overhaul. They are seeking to add, subtract and modify some of what's on there. It is housed on our main website, but we would really love it to have a similar yet different look to make it more appealing to young people. We use wix, so the only issue with wix is only one person can be in the editor at a time or it will delete things.
2. We have a high school kid that made an app for us last year. She just put some of the basic stuff from our website on it. It would be great if our youth program could use that app as a way for the youth program participants and youth, in general, could build community on that app. Right now we struggle getting a hold of youth and helping them build virtual community since they are across the state. They don't respond to emails and apparently they only use snap chat. Full disclosure, I am not a tech savant, so I'm unsure what the possibilities are, but I would love to include some more basic info, but we would love to also build some abilities for them to communicate and network within, if that's possible? Our current app is in Appy Pie if that's helpful.
Hispanic Educational Resources
We are most in need of a restructuring or update of our website to make it more user friendly for our staff. Currently, no one at our non-profit can gain access to the site to make changes. As well, the appearance and content is out of date. We'd love to be able to use the site to communicate better with our clients and families, as well as the community at large.